The Death Penalty :

      There has been a lot of give and take as of late regarding the death penalty so far as its legitimacy and effectiveness are concerned. At the heart of that issue is the question : What is the function of the judicial system ? Namely, whether its function is rehabilitation, retribution, or a mixture of the two. Deciding on the right answer to the previous question is the key to arriving at a satisfactory resolution to the age old debate regarding the death penalty. For my money, the function of the legal system ought to be rehabilitative rather than retributive.

         Constitutionally, the prime concern of the government and all of its branches is the well-being of its citizens. That , I believe, includes the medical treatment and re-integration of past offenders into society so that they could contribute their share to its progress and enrichment.

        In an age of enlightened thinking and breath-taking technological and medical progress, we must, as intellectually advanced agents, discard the original purpose of prisons, which was barbaric and mindless physical and psychological torture and adopt as a substitute for it the humane and productive should-be end of prisons which is education and healing that would eventually lead to a successful re-assimilation into mainstream society.

         It does not help either that punishing major crimes through state-sanctioned killing is creating more suicide bomber style offenders. Whoever is tired of life and yearns after fame gets their chance at that through provoking the state into gullibly granting their heart’s desire! I naively thought that we had done away with such stone age, old testament morality. The edict,  “an eye for an eye” never worked in the past and does not have the slightest chance of generating a morally advanced and humanitarian society.







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